Great Migration of Wildebeests in Serengeti with Baest Royal Adventures

The Great Migration of Wildebeests.

Home The Great Migration of Wildebeests.

Introduction to the Great Serengeti Migration.

The Great Serengeti Migration is one of the most extraordinary natural events that takes place in Tanzania every year. It is an annual event that sees over a million wildebeest, zebra, and other grazing animals travel through the Serengeti National Park in search of fresh grass. The migration is a fascinating spectacle that is full of drama, excitement, and raw natural beauty.

The Start of the Migration.

The Serengeti Migration usually starts in January, when the wildebeest give birth to their calves in the southern Serengeti. This is a quiet time in the migration, but it is also the time when the wildebeest are at their most vulnerable. Predators such as lions and hyenas are always on the lookout for easy prey, and this makes for some intense wildlife viewing.

Great Migration of Wildebeests in Serengeti with Baest Royal Adventures
The Great Migration of Wildebeests in the Serengeti National Park

The Herds Start Moving North.

In February, the wildebeest start moving northwards towards the Grumeti River. This is a great time to see the migration, as the wildebeest and zebra move in massive herds that stretch as far as the eye can see. You can witness the predators following the herds, hoping to catch a weak or injured animal.

Crossing the Mara River.

From June to July, the wildebeest cross the Mara River in search of new pastures. This is one of the most spectacular sights of the entire migration, as the wildebeest plunge into the water, battling the strong currents and the waiting crocodiles. It is a moment of high drama that you will never forget.

Mara river|Migration of wildebeests|Baest Royal Adventures
Wildebeests crossing the Mara River.

The Return to the Serengeti.

From August to September, the wildebeest start to move back towards the Serengeti, crossing the Mara River once again. This is a time of plenty, as the grass in the Serengeti is at its most nutritious. It is also a time of intense predator action, as the wildebeest have to contend with lions, cheetahs, and hyenas.

Great Migration of Wildebeests in the Serengeti National Park with Baest Royal Adventures
A Small Herd of Wildebeests.

The End of the Cycle.

In October, the wildebeest start moving back towards the southern Serengeti, where the migration cycle starts all over again. This is a time of plenty for the predators, as the wildebeest are once again at their most vulnerable.

Serengeti Migration|great migration of wildebeests|Baest Royal dventures
The Great Serengeti Migration at The Mara River.

Experience The Great Serengeti Migration in a Royal way.

If you want to witness the Great Serengeti Migration up close and personal, the best time to visit is from June to October, when the animals cross the Mara River. Baest Royal Adventures can help you plan your trip to coincide with this incredible event, ensuring you get to witness the wildebeest and zebra in their natural habitat and witness the struggles and triumphs of their journey.

Our Customized Safari Itineraries.

Baest Royal Adventures offers customized safari itineraries that take visitors through the heart of the Serengeti National Park, offering plenty of opportunities to witness the migration up close. Visitors can opt for guided tours with experienced guides who are knowledgeable about the local wildlife and can provide insights into the migration and the park’s ecosystem.

Hassle-Free Travel.

With Baest Royal Adventures, visitors can choose from a range of safari packages that include accommodations, transportation, and other services, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free travel experience. Visitors can choose from a variety of lodging options, including luxurious lodges and mobile camps that allow for a more intimate experience with nature.

Overall, the Great Serengeti Migration is an unforgettable natural spectacle that should not be missed, and Baest Royal Adventures is the perfect partner to ensure visitors have an unforgettable African wildlife experience. With its commitment to providing customized safari experiences that meet the specific needs and interests of their clients, Baest Royal Adventures offers a unique and personalized travel experience that will stay with visitors long after they return home.